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Katrin Lion completed classical singing training with a successful degree from the Staatl. certified music school teacher.
She trained as an actor at the Munich Film Academy.
Acting Agency: ZAV - Munich for theater and film/television
Music labels: BSC Music Munich
She had her acting debut as maid Babet in the comedy "How to hunt rabbits" by Fedeau at Staedtebundtheater Hof. At this theater she worked for 5 years, in the opera choir (mezzo voice) and as guest actress, e.g. in Goethe's Reinecke Fuchs, Les Miserables.
At the renowned Luisenburg Festival, Katrin Lion was on stage as an actress and singer for 3 years, playing alongside Günter Mack, Rainhard Fendrich, Wolfgang Ambros and Stefan Lehmann (Antenna Bayern), including in Anatevka, the Bernauerin, Schiller's Räubern and Kultrustikel "The Watzmann is calling".
At Landestheater Coburg, the actress embodied the tough-masculine pirate bride Mary Read in "The Treasure Island" and as graceful Pamina in "A Little Magic Flute". "Die Lokalbahn" followed, with the role of Susanna, at Bad Berneck Romantic Theater.
Wolfgang Ambros hired her for his forthcoming tour, as a maid, Queen d. Walpurgis Night in "The Watzmann calls".
Followed by the Germany and Austria tour with the two Austropop legends Wolfgang Ambros (Skiforn) and Klaus Eberhartinger (EAV, Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung).
Movie and TV:
She starred as Kathrin Weiss in the feature film "Final Picture" (nuclear war drama), which won, among others, the Special Jury Award at the Germany International Film Festival in Munich and the Yellow Oscar, Uranium Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro.
Katrin Lion acts in short films and film/television productions of the early evening program at Sat.1 and VOX.
In 2022, the singer and actress presented her own songs at the Golden Lion film award ceremony in Kurhaus Wiesbaden.
In productions by SRF, NECTV, iTV-Coburg, TVO and Radio Eins, Katrin Lion can be seen and heard as an actress and speaker in image films, as a singer in the Christmas program with songs from her stage programs (jazz standards of the 1950s and Latin American songs).
As a presenter, she stands in front of the camera, together with Andreas Leopold Schadt (Frankentatort) for the moderation of the "Coburg Media Award Ceremony 2021".
TV, radio, streaming:
Katrin Lion has a cooperation with Las Vegas and Wolf Entertainment.
The song "Jingle Bell Rock" will be re-scored worldwide by Bobby Helms' manager John Kleiman.
25 countries are represented. Katrin Lion was selected as the voice for Germany.
Release: August 14, 2023
In December 2022 Katrin Lion released her first own song. "This Christmas" (Comp.: Anand Ramnanan) had radio releases in Canada, Caribbean, England, Spain and Germany, under the music label BSC Music Munich.
The single reached 45 radio stations within two weeks.
Interviews in the Caribbean followed.
Katrin Lion can be heard on all streaming platforms (Amazon Music, Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer, iTunes, Juno Download, YouTubeMusic).
Katrin Lion's first album will be released in 2023.
The singer expresses pop ballads, velvety-jazzy as well as rocky-soul tones.
In collaboration with Rüdiger Gleisberg (film composer) and Anand Ramnanan (Canadian composer and producer).
She can be heard as an voice-actress in radio advertising, documentary films, radio plays, audio books, audio travel guides, telephone announcements, and also sends out orders from her own studio. Due to her extremely versatile voice for trick voices, different accents and Bavarian dialect, she has been regularly booked as a speaker for the world market leader Hofmann figures since 2020.
As a singer and moderator, Katrin Lion works for well-known stages and organizers, including the Herkulessaal in "Munich Residenz", "Kurhaus Wiesbaden", "Kloster Seeon", "Richard Wagner Association-Nuremberg", "Freiheitshalle Hof" and jazz festivals.
Own stage programs as a singer:
Jazz standards of the 30's-50's (piano or jazz trio)
Latin music (piano or band)
own songs (piano or band)
Own stage programs as an actress:
"Wagner for everybody" (with her husband, the opera singer Michael Lion)